We may take them a little for granted unless being unfortunate enough to be one of the one in 5 persons who may get kidney stones. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs which are approximately 11 or 12cms long and half as wide, that lie at the back of the abdomen .They are protected by muscles at their rear and by the 11th and 12th ribs in their upper halves. They are like a true friend — valuable and hard to replace. So if you look after them — they’ll be more likely to look after you.
The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder & urethra. It is an excretory system -removing waste products from the blood and eliminating them from the body. Other functions of the urinary system include regulation of the volume of body fluids and balance of the pH and electrolyte composition of these fluids and other mechanisms that help regulate body fluids. The kidneys themselves are very complex and do many things, as does the liver, for many of the same things that affect the liver affect the kidneys. Metabolic acidosis, acid-base balance, and electrolyte arrangements are all controlled by the kidneys.
If they are not functioning or there is renal failure, muscle weakness, neuromuscular excitability, cardiac arrhythmias, or shortness of breath, all symptoms of shock would be present, resulting in heart failure and pulmonary congestion when there is fluid overload and the kidneys are not filtering it out. Kidneys excrete waste products, notably nitrogen in the form of urea. They also regulate salt & water content and acidity of the body fluids. The kidney also eliminates many drugs and toxic substances.
The blood's acidity level is also regulated by the kidneys. By secreting urine of greater or lesser acidity, a constant acidity level is maintained.. The hypothalamus, found in the floor of the brain, regulates urine production. It responds to changes in the blood by stimulating the pituitary gland. The kidneys secrete renin, which controls blood pressure so kidney disease may show as high blood pressure.
The kidneys also regulate Erythopoetin, a hormone that helps to regulate production of red blood cells when a significant amount of kidney tissue has been destroyed by infection, by vascular disease or by glomerulonephritis. When there are problems here it can cause problems with the Central Nervous System, promoting such symptoms as irritability, insomnia or stupor and loss of appetite.
Emotion, sleep and drugs such as nicotine increase urine output. At least 600ml of urine must be secreted daily to get rid of waste products. What are the minimum requirements for your kidneys to remain your friend? Here are some things to consider —
Don't cook cayenne as it is an irritant to the kidneys when cooked. Add it to already cooked foods. No alcohol, coffee, black tea or drugs should be used where kidneys are not functioning well. Extra help for the kidneys may include - lecithin, which helps purify the kidneys.
Choline, Vit.E, Vit. C, Vit. A, Vit. B6. Foods that help maximise kidney function include parsley, apples, grapes, cherries and cranberries. Drinking lemon juice in pure water, ½ a lemon at a time is a natural antiseptic and helps destroy bacteria. Avoid sweet drinks such a soft drinks, chocolate and white sugar products that can cause inflammation of the lining membranes of the kidneys. And lastly drink purified water and your kidneys will probably be your friends for life.
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