Collagen is a strong naturally occurring fibrous protein which occurs in all body organs including bones, skin, ligaments, tendons, cartilage.
With another protein, elastin, collagen adds to the flexibility of the skin, and maintains the health and vitality of connective tissue, reducing wrinkles and aiding normal skin integrity.
Collagen is destroyed by inflammatory processes.
Collagen Promoting Nutrients
Amino acids, from proteins, aid in collagen production. These include proline which is a nonessential amino acid; nonessential amino acids are ones that either the body or other essential amino acids can produce. Foods high in proline include gelatin, eggs, soy, milk, cheese, beef and cabbage. Vitamin C works along with proline to promote collagen production. Foods containing vitamin C include oranges, lemons and limes.
Proline and the skin
Proline improves skin texture and along with lysine is involved in tissue repair, wound healing and skin elasticity
Treating Wrinkles Using Natural Skin Care With Collagen
Crow's feet and smile lines are just a nice way of naming your wrinkles. Wrinkling can be caused by the natural elements such as the sun and wind. This exposure causes a drawing out of the moisture within the skin.
In addition, wrinkling is part of the normal aging process. Specifically, this wrinkling occurs as the skin becomes less supple and inelastic. This condition results from the skin's inability to produce collagen and elastin. Collagen is a strong fibrous protein which adds to the flexibility of the skin. Elastin is a protein both similar in nature to collagen as well as its function. The loss of these proteins adds to the development of the wrinkles and their becoming more obvious.
Natural skin care with collagen
However, there is natural skin care with collagen which is available to feed the skin to help improve the skin's tone and combat the skin wrinkling process. The use of a natural skin care with collagen offers many benefits. Some of the benefits include the treatment of facial wrinkles and bags under the eyes.
Some natural skin care with collagen products have been demonstrated to be effective in stimulating the body's natural process in promoting collagen production. In addition a natural skin care product with collagen can be effective in warding off oxidants that impair the body's ability to increase the levels of collagen produced. Additionally, the skin's ability to "bounce back" will also be improved.
Other benefits include the resulting effect of the skin to feel more firm and hydrated. Additionally, skin that has been wrinkled by the sun and wind will benefit from the restorative effects of a natural skin care product with collagen.
Bags Under The Eyes
The skin underneath the eyes is an extremely sensitive portion of the facial skin. Additionally, the skin covering this portion of our face is very thin. This thinness would allow for the quick absorption of natural skin care with collagen.
This quick absorption of the natural skin care with collagen can help to cause reduce sagging of the skin in this area.